What are severance and severance interest payments, and how should they be paid?

All domestic employees are entitled to receive severance and severance interest payments even if they work daily or hourly. These payments…

History of domestic service in Colombia

On the occasion of the commemoration of Domestic Workers' Day, SERV would like to recount the history of domestic service in Colombia as a…

SERV® S.A.S is a company that overcame the pandemic and employs more than 200 people today

At the end of the year 2019 in the country of China, a new virus was identified from common diseases such as colds or touches of flu; as…

Informal domestic work is a concern in Colombia and Bogota

Domestic service has existed in Colombia since approximately 1525. It is about 500 years of history of this trade in our country, a trade…

Learn everything you need to know about how to pay the service premium to your domestic employees.

Next, December 20, is the last deadline for the second payment of the 2019 service premium. As established in Law 1788 of 2016, all…

SERV® App in Expansion with Seedstars® and Apps.co

SERV® App is one of the fifteen companies participating in the Digital Business Expansion Program of the MinTIC, APPS.CO executed by the…

Organic vegetable garden at home

We are present in your well-being, and the search for healthy habits must be a priority for all SERV® homes, celebrating every act that…

This is how we hire at SERV!

SERV knows it! You must understand how we hire each of our servers to ensure that your service is entirely professional and safe. We are a…

SERV® S.A.S is a company that overcame the pandemic and employs more than 200 people today

At the end of the year 2019 in the country of China, a new virus was identified from common diseases such as colds or touches of flu; as…

How to choose the cleaning company that best suits your home’s needs

Good thing you're here! This site is for you if you are looking for the best cleaning service in Colombia. Here you can discover all the…

It would be best if you renovated an apartment to be able to rent it through Airbnb and not use much money.

We all know that making money in the new sharing economy can be difficult and that to dabble in hosting platforms like Airbnb, you may…

The ultimate secret to removing stubborn stains

When we started SERV, our idea, apart from being a super maid app, was to create a line of perfect cleaning products that would do a…

The ultimate secret to clean your silver accessories

I recently ran into a friend who told me about her big meeting. She told me that it was the anniversary of the company where she works, but…

Would you give your domestic helper an honesty test?

When we started SERV, several of our customers asked us about the security factor and support of the people they would give entry to their…

First-world societies provide decent jobs and dignified lives

First-world societies understood this and now provide jobs and dignified lives to their entire workforce. I had the opportunity to live in…